The People Have Spoken: Myrtle Survey Results

Sun, May 13th, 2018

From local events to street cleaning to new business wants, Myrtle Avenue shoppers had a lot to say in our recent neighborhood survey. Over 550 people responded to the survey both online and through paper surveys available at local businesses and distributed at local events. Below are some highlights of what people had to say.

Top 5 Takeaways

  1. THE BIG DRAWS The top three activities that bring people to Myrtle Avenue most often are grocery shopping, dining out, and banking
  2. COMPETITORS Fulton Mall and online shopping are the places survey takers find themselves shopping most often (besides Myrtle Avenue of course)
  3. SHOPPING When asked, “what items had you purchased in the past month that you wish you could have bought on Myrtle Avenue?,” the top three responses were apparel, specialty or organic food, and a  gym membership
  4. APPEARANCES 90%+ of people are satisfied with Myrtle Avenue’s cleanliness and appreciate the custom tree guards that feature local artwork
  5. EVENTS When asked about what types of local events people would like to see happen on Myrtle Avenue, the most popular responses were live music and health and wellness activities.

Some Choice Words

When asked to name businesses people would like to see open on Myrtle Avenue, it was clear there are some things more popular than others. The word cloud above shows that the clear winner for “most in demand” business is a full-service gym.


We asked survey takers to use three words they would use to best describe Myrtle Avenue. The clear favorites here were diverse, convenient and friendly.


Who We Were Talking To

Of the 560 survey takers, we asked a few simple demographic questions to help us ensure we were hearing from a diverse group of locals. Below is a brief snapshot:

  • Over two-thirds of the survey takers lived on Myrtle Avenue or nearby in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill
  • About half of the people have lived in the neighborhood for 10 years or more
  • 16% of people lived in a household earning less than $25,000/year; another 20% fell within $50,000-100,000/year; another 20% with household incomes of $150,000+/year
  • 35% of respondents have children living in their household
  • About half of the survey takers were between 25-44 years old, and another third between 45-64 years old.

Have Something To More to Say?

Although the survey is now closed, you can always provide feedback or ideas about the Myrtle Avenue to us. Send us an email or give us a call at (718) 230-1689.