Call for Ideas Deadline Extended to November 16th

Wed, Oct 28th, 2009

Good news! You've still got time to pull out the sketch pad, the camera, the laptop, and whatever other tools you like, to submit initial design ideas for the planned Myrtle Avenue pedestrian plaza between Grand and Emerson. Now that the location and geometry of the plaza are more or less set, it is time to focus on the actual features, amenities and landscaping that the community would like to see there.

In the coming months, NYC DOT will assign a professional design team that will work us and the community during an approximately year-long design phase. In the meantime, we are issuing a Call For Ideas (PDF document, about 1.5 MB) to ensure that we have as many creative concepts and best practices at our disposal during the very first meetings with the design team, allowing us to have a better sense of the community's priorities for the plaza. Submissions are due by November 16th, with the full details and instructions explained in the Call for Ideas PDF document. Photos can also be uploaded and shared via our Plaza Design Group if you become a fan on Facebook.

We want to be sure that this new plaza results in a truly well-designed and well-loved public space for the neighborhood. We are asking professional designers and amateurs alike to contribute original design concepts for the Myrtle Plaza, or to submit compelling photos of features from existing public spaces that you particularly like. The Call for Ideas aims to involve the community in the creation of a great public space on Myrtle Avenue, generating design and programming concepts that are progressive and sustainable and that support a variety of user groups and activities while capturing the energy, diversity and dynamic character of our neighborhood.

All entries will be compiled and reviewed by urban planners on the Partnership staff, as well as by the Myrtle Avenue Plaza Advisory Committee, made up of local stakeholders. A selection of the submissions will be posted on our website.

The Myrtle Avenue Pedestrian Plaza is the result of a multi-year community planning process that began in the fall of 2005, where improving the avenue's public spaces became a major emphasis as individuals expressed their desire to have public spaces to sit, eat, relax, people-watch, and to otherwise create a better sense of place. This year, the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership was awarded participation in the first round of the NYC Plaza Program for our proposal for a plaza between Grand Avenue and Emerson Place on two blocks of the existing service road.

The design and development of the Plaza will be made possible by funds committed by NYC DOT, City Council Member Leticia James, Borough President Marty Markowitz, the US Department of Transportation's CMAQ program, the New York State Council on the Arts, and the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership BID.

If you have any questions regarding the Call for Ideas, or would like CAD files of the street geometry, please contact