Concerns for safety at Myrtle/Ryerson – Call to Action

Tue, Jun 4th, 2013

The Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership is deeply concerned about the environment that continues to develop at Myrtle Avenue and Ryerson Street. We feel that alleged illegal activity is contributing to an emerging negative environment on this block, and that we must collectively employ strategies to improve the atmosphere for businesses and residents alike in the immediate term.

We have requested the following from the 88th Precinct:
1. Station an NYPD officer/patrol car near this block on Thursday – Saturday evenings. The presence of the car should help to deter illegal activity on the sidewalk and to prevent large loitering crowds.
2. Respond to noise complaints immediately for a period of a few weeks, in order to send an immediate message of intolerance.
3. Employ strategies to dissipate crowds and discourage loitering, especially after a certain point in the evening. There are hundreds loitering on the sidewalk (many of whom are drinking and fighting according to anecdotes from residents and merchants). This is impacting the livelihoods of nearby merchants and is a nuisance to residents navigating the sidewalks to their homes.

We are crafting an action plan to target all the agencies, authorities and elected officials that can help us address this situation. We are working to organize merchants, property owners and residents to document incidents and report them through the proper channels.

You can help. Here’s what you can do:
1. Report any suspicious activity to 311 and/or 911. We urge you to make these calls for each and every incident you witness – it is crucial that everything is documented in order to rally the necessary resources to our community.
2. Attend the 88th Precinct Council Meeting, which takes place on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (location varies). Contact the 88th Community Affairs line to get the location 718-636-6526.
3. If you suspect that illegal alcohol activity is taking place in connection with a business, please file a complaint with the NY State Liquor Authority

Let’s work together as a supportive, collaborative Myrtle Avenue community do everything possible to prevent the loss of another innocent life.