Fort Greene Progressives Pot Luck – this weekend at S. Oxford Space

Wed, Feb 24th, 2010

Local progressives are getting together this Saturday, February 27th from 1pm to 5pm for some neighborly networking. Here's the event description from the organizers:
This Pot Luck and social gathering will bring together progressives, activists and organizers from the Clinton Hill and Fort Greene community. It's an opportunity for all of us to meet informally and get to know each other, to talk and share, to eat and have fun.

It's a family event. No speeches. Games for the kids, some informal music and spoken word if you want to share it, video and images about our work and the issues we feel strongly about. And we'll have information from each sponsoring group about the work we are doing.

This is a Pot Luck. Please let us know what food item you can bring. Also, since the space is costing us a good deal of money, which none of our organizations have, we will be taking up a collection for small donations at the event.

This get together has been jointly organized by CHIPS, Fort Greene Peace, Fort Greene/Clinton Hill Food Coalition, FUREE, MARP, the Fort Greene CSA, PACC and several others. We are all neighbors, living and/or working in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill for peace and an end to violence, and for social justice, against gentrification and for quality housing for all, for better access to good and healthy food, decent health care, quality education and learning opportunities, and an end to illiteracy, locally owned and controlled business, and more.

Click here to RSVP on the Evite site.