Free Rain Barrels For Homeowners

Fri, Mar 25th, 2011

Just received an email about this program from Team Tish: The NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has a new rain barrel giveway program. Here's more:

By capturing stormwater, rain barrels can help you conserve water by storing rainwater for
future use, such as watering your lawn or garden. This will keep your plants healthyand save you moneysince households devote almost 40% of their water to watering lawns and gardens. And youll be doing your part to reduce demand on New York Citys drinking water system
during the summers hottest days.

Am I eligible? Can I participate?

If you are a single-family or attached two-family homeowner and would like to participate in this exciting, new pilot program–you can.

Where do I sign up?

Come out to get your free rain barrel on:

Saturday, April 16, 2011
9:00 am  2:00 pm
Marine Park Parking Lot at Avenue U, Brooklyn

To receive additional information, please contact the NYC Department of Environmental Protection at or by calling '311'.

The Rain Barrel Giveaway Program is a key part of DEPs broader, citywide effort to better manage stormwater using a variety of innovative, sustainable techniques known as best management practices, or BMPs. Improved stormwater management is an important component of Mayor Bloombergs PlaNYC initiative, his plan for a greener, more livable city by 2030. For more information about stormwater in New York City, visit DEPs website at

(pic: from DEP website)