Ingersoll Garden of Eden is now on the <i>Farming Concrete</i> map!

Wed, Sep 1st, 2010

Farming Concrete is a volunteer, citizen science project to measure how much food is grown in New York Citys community gardens. Using the mapping tools provided by Farming Concrete one of our FRESH Teens in the Myrtle Eats Fresh program will label what is growing in each food plot and measure the plot dimensions in order to gauge the gardeners food production.

The project aims to, “enhance the perceived value and legitimacy of community gardens as a public land use in New York City and give the gardens a defined place in the fabric of the urban food system”. Furthermore, the project has the potential to “open the gate to making connections between surplus food production and local soup kitchens, food pantries, or schools, bringing more fresh food options into NYC communities!

We are honored to be a part of this initiative. To get your community garden on the map visit: