Tree Guard Sponsorship Kick-off and Artist Reception > 10/3 @ Putnam's!

Thu, Sep 22nd, 2011

The installation of the first phase of street furniture is complete! Next week we will add the signage decals to the tree guards, and soon we will add soil and mulch to the pits to complete this phase of the project. The guards and benches have received a fantastic response from Myrtle merchants and residents, which is exactly what we had hoped for.

Some in-progress photos can be seen on our Flickr site:

Please join us to celebrate on Monday, October 3rd at Putnams Pub & Cooker (Myrtle & Clinton) at 6pm. Interested in 'adopting' a bench or tree guard? We'll also be kicking-off our tree guard sponsorship program that night too in order to help us maintain the tree guards and benches for the next 5 years. RSVP to get two free drink tickets, to before September 28th. Hope to see you there!