Volunteer your time for our local food system!

Thu, Jun 11th, 2009

The Brooklyn Healthy Food Campaign is seeking volunteers for Brooklyn Food Summer 09, an 8-week campaign to help Brooklyn residents overcome challenges to food access and affordability, and empower them to speak with both their voices and dollars to demand healthy food options in their neighborhoods.

The next volunteer orientation will take place this Thursday from 6:30 to 8 right here in Fort Greene at Fort Greene SNAP (324 Myrtle Avenue)!

WHO: YOU! Champions of local, healthy food
WHEN: Ongoing, beginning June 1
WHERE: Brooklyn neighborhoods where residents lack access to healthy food.
WHY: Brooklyn faces a health crisis of rising obesity and diabetes among children and adults. These diet-related diseases disproportionately affect certain neighborhoods where residents lack access to healthy food. Though there is sufficient healthy, culturally appropriate food available to serve all Brooklyn residents, this food in not getting onto the tables and into the bellies of many Brooklynites.
HOW: Sign up to volunteer here.

Visit www.brooklynhealthyfoodcampaign.org to find out more.