Wallabout Moooooooves: The Chase Brock Experience

Mon, Sep 20th, 2010

Love this quote by the New York Times re the Chase Brock Experience: “It's a little dangerous to call your company the Chase Brock Experience. It implies that an experience will be had. And that that experience will somehow involve a quintessential Chase Brock-ness. In fact this turns out to be more or less true.”

The Wallabout District is home to the Chase Brock Experience, an awesome contemporary dance group that presents the work of choreographer, Chase Brock–demonstrating his and their deep love of the ballet, modern and musical theater worlds–and then some (!).

Not afraid to experiment with the new, Chase Brock is also the choreographer of the exciting Wii dance video game, Dance on Broadway. In fact, the game's characters are animated versions of the members of the Chase Brock Experience.

Chase views his work very much as “part of the American dance lineage,” continuing in the tradition and legacies of many of the greats, including Martha Graham, Bob Fosse and Twyla Tharp.

Keep an eye out on the company's website for an upcoming touring schedule or to contribute to the great work of this NY-based choreographer.

photo from Chase Brock Experience website: www.chasebrockexperience.com