Myrtle Masstransiscope Restored

Thu, Jan 29th, 2009

Masstransiscope, a quite colorful piece of public art installed more than 28 years ago in the abandoned Myrtle Avenue subway station, has been restored.

Artist, Bill Brand installed the work in September 1980. One of the things which makes the work unique is it is constructed from 228 hand-painted panels, viewed through a series of vertical slits set into a specially constructed housing. The piece works on the principle of the Zoetrope, a 19th century optical toy.

Over the years, the installation fell into disrepair and the panels became covered with graffiti. Last year, Brand and some volunteers went through a meticulous process of cleaning and restoring the panels.

To see the Masstransiscope, catch the Manhattan-bound B or Q train. You will see it outside the right side of the car just after leaving DeKalb Avenue, but before you reach the Manhattan Bridge.

Photo above taken from
artist, Bill Brand's website and blog