Tree Hugger Project installation this Saturday at Ingersoll Family Day

Fri, Aug 29th, 2008

We are kicking off the new Myrtle Avenue Public Art Program by teaming up with NYCHA and the Ingersoll Tenant Association for a community build this Saturday, August 30th, from 12-3pm on Myrtle near Prince Street. Please come by to help the artists install the pieces they've designed for the Ingersoll Houses grounds, and then enjoy the food, drink, music, and games, courtesy of the Ingersoll TA and NYCHA.

Tree Hugger Project ( artists Wiktor Szostalo and Agnieszka Gradzik will be installing a total of four pieces on Myrtle Avenue as a part of their ongoing public art project that combines environmental sculpture made of natural, found and free materials such as twigs, vines and tree branches with a simple environmental message. The Project is an ongoing work of Environmental Art designed to help us re-discover our relationship with nature at a very personal and intimate level. The focus on the stewardship of public space demonstrates that standing up for the environment can be done in a fun and non-political way, and that contemporary art can be entertaining and make a difference in how we view our world. Community participation in the construction and installation of the Tree Huggers helps to highlight the role that we all can play as stewards in our very own neighborhood, reminding us that we humans are still very much a part of our natural surroundings. The Tree Hugger Project has been brought to cities and parks all over the world as a way to bring attention to the environment and to bring communities together, and Myrtle Avenue is excited to be part of this international movement.

The Partnerships new Myrtle Avenue Public Art program is an effort to bring temporary (up to 11 months) public sculpture, art installations, studio art, and creative street furniture elements to the public spaces and sidewalks of the 20-block retail district, increasing access to art for the entire community.

These art installations are part of the larger Myrtle Avenue Arts & Enterprise Initiative which represents a multi-faceted effort to establish the retail corridor as an access point to visual art and cultural activities for community members of diverse socio-economic backgrounds. The Tree Hugger Project serves as a kick-off for the Partnerships new public art program, launching both a soon-to-be-released open call for proposals for additional temporary sculpture pieces for locations along Myrtle Avenue, as well as a request for sponsors to support future artists and their installations. Seed funding for the new program was provided by the Lily Auchincloss Foundation and Myrtles Business Improvement District.