Whose Broad Stripes and Bright Stars…

Wed, Aug 27th, 2008

Make tonight a hugely patriotic night. Film at 8:00pm; Opera before the screening at 7:30pm; Just in time to make it home to catch a little more Convention coverage at 10:00pm.

Wednesday, August 27th 7:30pm
Rain date: Thursday, August 28th 7:30pm

The popular film musical 1776 and live music performed before the screening will be held at Fort Greene Park's beautiful Myrtle Meadow (near the Visitor's center at the top of the park). Enter the park at DeKalb and Washington Park or N. or S. Portland Avenues.

American Opera Projects resident soprano Caroline Worra (also NYCO, Glimmerglass companies) will perform a program of all-new songs based on the writing of the great American poet Walt Whitman starting at 7:30pm, before the screening of 1776.

1776, starring among others, Howard Da Silva, John Cullum and Blythe Danner, is a wonderful preamble to the November 2008 Prison Ship Martyrs Monument Centennial Celebration. The film and live music honor Revolutionary War heroes and the creation of the Declaration of Independence-a document which had countless ups and downs before it was finalized and signed. The Stanford White-designed Prison Ship Martyrs Monument was the first memorial to prisoners of war in the country and was constructed over the remains of over 11,000 patriots who died in the fight for freedom in Brooklyn and New York cities, 1776-1783.

Whitman, a Brooklyn resident, was instrumental in raising awareness of the need for a monument to honor the thousands of POWs of the American Revolution that died in British prison ships harbored in the East River. The Walt Whitman Project's participation gives an insight into Whitman's Brooklyn life.

Picnicking is encouraged. The Bakery, Zagat-rated confectionary located 154 Vanderbilt Avenue, will have pastries and refreshments for sale. Bring your own blankets and lawn chairs if desired.

(pic from Parks website: http://www.nycgovparks.org)