Local restaurant Tamboril, hosts a scholarship fundraiser for Brooklyn Academy of Urban Planning high school students this Tuesday!
Come out and enjoy tasty food and drinks, all while helping graduating seniors from Brooklyn's Academy of Urban Planning go to college! The fundraiser is tomorrow, Tuesday, June 24, at local restaurant/bar, Tamboril. The event costs just $10 and begins at 5:30pm. Free appetizers for as long as they last, and 2-for-1 drinks all night!
At the Academy of Urban Planning, a small public high school in Bushwick, students engage in critical study of the built environment of their city and neighborhoods. The school just opened 5 years ago, so the class of 2008 is only their second graduating class, with most of the 120 graduating seniors attending college this fall. Many are the very first in their family to do so, and some are even the first to attain a high school diploma. About 97% of students at AUP qualify for free lunch (3-person families must have an income of less than $21,000 to qualify). Not much extra there for school expenses, so AUP families need all the college financial support they can get!
If you can't make it to the fundraiser but are still interested in donating, you could send an email to AUP's urban planning program manager, Josh Lapidus, at jlapidus@aupnyc.org. For more information about the school, visit AUP.