Marketing Seminar at St. Joe's, 5/15

Mon, May 12th, 2008

Information on a small business seminar at St. Joseph's College:

Marketing Strategies For Your Small Business
May 15, 2008, 6:00 PM
Tuohy Hall Auditorium
Description: Micro and Small Business owners can create business cards, letterhead, and brochures on their own computers in a pinch, but is that the only way to go?

Featuring Henrietta Koffi, Associate Director/Project Manager Entrepreneurs Corner Fort Greene SNAP (Strategic Neighborhood Action Partnership)

We'll cover what to think about when you are taking the “do it yourself” route, then talk about inexpensive ways to buy and order online, and finally how to choose a designer to create your own unique look.

For additional information or to RSVP please contact John Keenan by email at or by telephone at 718.399.2745. Refreshments will be served

Event held in the St. Josephs College Tuohy Hall, Auditorium
245 Clinton Avenue
Between DeKalb and Willoughby Avenues

Contact Email:
Contact Information: 718.399.2745