As residents of Fort Greene and Clinton Hill, and as frequent visitors to Myrtle Avenue, we know you have strong opinions about our neighborhood’s strengths and a keen eye for what could still use some attention. Your answers to this short set of questions will help us better understand how we can serve all community stakeholders as our neighborhood continues to grow and develop. It will take just a few minutes (really, we promise!).
Feel free to circulate to your neighbors, block associations, civic associations, fellow parishioners, etc. We’re hoping to reach as many residents as we can through mid-September. Thanks!
Paper surveys are also available at:
Apple Bank, 418 Myrtle Avenue between Clinton Avenue & Vanderbilt Avenue
Fort Greene SNAP, 324 Myrtle Avenue between Carlton & Washington Park
Walt Whitman Branch Library, 93 St. Edwards Street
Share our survey with residents of Fort Greene & Clinton Hill: