Park Avenue Safety Plan Spotlight: Intersection Treatments

Wed, Oct 10th, 2012

In a little over a month since the release of the Park Avenue Safety Plan, nearly 600 concerned citizens have already shown their support by signing the petition, in hard copy and online . If you haven’t signed already, please add your voice.

Today we look at one of the core proposals to calm traffic and improve safety on Park Avenue: Intersection Treatments. Most crashes occur at intersections. The intersections on Park Avenue are especially awkward due to the parking area under the elevated BQE. In essence, each intersection has three intersections: eastbound Park Avenue, the parking area, and westbound Park Avenue. Proposals at most intersections include: stop signs at exits of parking areas; raised crosswalk/driveway at entrances/exits to parking areas; curb cuts at pedestrian islands; neckdowns (temporary or permanent); and “No Parking” markings along the cross street under the BQE. We also propose left-turn lanes at high traffic intersections, as well as fully pedestrianized areas of key crossings.

Stay tuned for more updates and spotlights…