Park Avenue Safety Plan Spotlight: Bus Bulbs

Tue, Oct 16th, 2012

In a little over a month since the release of the Park Avenue Safety Plan, nearly 600 concerned citizens have already shown their support by signing the petition, in hard copy andonline . If you haven’t signed already, please add your voice.

Bus bulbs are sidewalk extensions at bus stops that improve safety, bus operations, and provide extra space for amenities. The extension improves safety because it shortens the distance that pedestrians need to cross, while calming traffic. They improve bus operations because buses don’t have to pull over and then back out into traffic. Lastly, bus bulbs provide extra sidewalk space for things like bus shelters or benches for waiting passengers.

Using passenger data provided by the MTA, we proposed four bus bulbs on Park Avenue, at westbound North Portland, Carlton, Washington, and eastbound Carlton.

Stay tuned for more updates and spotlights…