Park Avenue Safety Plan Update: Meeting with DOT

Fri, Oct 26th, 2012

Earlier this week MARP staff met with representatives from the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT). DOT wants to start an official project addressing many of the issues we outlined in the Park Avenue Safety Plan! However, that would not likely happen until 2014. Some things could happen sooner, before a formal project. Following are some highlights from the meeting:

DOT initiated a “warrant study” to determine if pedestrian volumes on the superblock warrant a traffic signal.

DOT captured speed data on Park and is getting volume data.

Countdown pedestrian clocks will be coming to all intersections, probably next year.

DOT initiated a lighting efficiency study, to determine where light levels are low. Any place that does not meet the minimum requirements will get additional lighting.

DOT will look into adding stop signs and “no parking” pavement markings near the entrance/exit of each parking area under the BQE.

MARP have some follow-up to do as well. We will do our part. Will you do yours? Please spread the word about the online petition.

Stay tuned for more updates and spotlights…