Park Avenue Safety Plan Spotlight: Repaving

Wed, Dec 12th, 2012

If you’ve spent any time underneath the BQE, you know that the pavement conditions are terrible. There are countless potholes from Navy to Steuben, some very large. In some sections, the asphalt near the raised curb is almost entirely gone. This area has been neglected. Upon our request, DOT did send a pothole crew to this area. Some potholes were filled but many more remain. Fixing this issue may require a complete repaving project.

We will keep the pressure on DOT to fix the pavement in this area. You can help, by signing the online petition and/or sharing it with friends. Including hard copy petitions, we now have nearly 900 signatures, close to our goal of 1000! Help us get there.

Stay tuned for more updates and spotlights…