Park Avenue Update: Daylighting Approved for 7 Locations

Tue, Apr 16th, 2013

DOT approved our request to install “daylighting” regulations at seven locations on Park Avenue!

Parked cars near the approach of an intersection can obstruct the visibility of drivers and pedestrians crossing that intersection. Daylighting is a safety measure where parking is restricted within 20-30 feet of the approach to an intersection, allowing drivers and pedestrians a better field of vision. Daylighting can improve safety for both pedestrians and drivers alike.

Following are the locations where DOT will install “no standing” regulations within the next 90 days: Westbound Park Avenue at the approach to North Oxford Street; Eastbound Park Avenue at the approach to Waverly Avenue; Westbound Park Avenue at the approach to Waverly Avenue; Eastbound Park Avenue at the approach to Ryerson Street; Westbound Park Avenue at the approach to Grand Avenue; Eastbound Park Avenue at the approach to Grand Avenue; Eastbound Park Avenue at the approach to Steuben Street.

The Park Avenue Safety Plan was published in the summer of 2012, after a multi-year community-led effort. Stay tuned for more updates…