Calling all "Curious Pedestrians" to Myrtle this Sunday…

Wed, Sep 15th, 2010

The Case of the Curious Pedestrian, brought to you by our own curator-in-residence, Christina Vassallo, comes to Move About Myrtle this weekend! This is a one-day exhibition of performance art and ephemeral installations that focuses on choreography of pedestrians, the nooks & crannies of commercial spaces, and the unspoken history of sidewalks. These playful gestures will turn Myrtle Avenue into a cabinet of curiosities! We know you're “curious” to learn more, so here's what you can expect/search for/uncover/happen upon this Sunday:

– Ranjit Bhatnagars City Birds is comprised of three sound sculptures made of vintage toy instruments that were modifed to chirp the calls of local song birds (@ Mr. Coco, Green in BKLYN, and Clinton Express Deli).

– Part scavenger hunt and part interactive detective story, Veronica Doughertys The Story of Johnny X shows participants how someone can disappear in a city. Briefings are conducted at 1:30, 2:30, and 3:30pm, on the corner of Hall & Myrtle, where participants will receive a series of clues to solve the mystery of what happened to Johnny X.

– Angela Fans Happy Benhadi Costume Party is a whimsical addition to a common city street scene: fresh fruits and vegetables for sale on the sidewalk (@Benhadi Supermarket).

– Jonny Farrows video Pizza is Art celebrates the longstanding tradition of the Brooklyn pizzeria. Shot in the artists local pizza parlor, the footage was looped, reversed, processed, and folded back on itself, much like the process of kneading dough (@Liberty Pizza).

– Kathryne Halls sculpture Aberrant Drain transforms the view at Clinton & Myrtle, twisting the horizon into urban mirage. Sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by the Brooklyn Arts Council.

– Join licensed tour guide and 4th generation Myrtle Avenue resident Jonah Levy on his Moitel Avenue Tour to discover the vast hidden history of the Myrtle Ave you might not know. FREE 30-minute tours are conducted at 1, 2, 3 & 4 pm, and start at the corner of Hall & Myrtle on a first-come, first-served basis.

– Each element in Lili Maya & James Rouvelles Surface-active agent will subtly react to the heat, light, humidity, and vibrations caused by the patrons and employees of 3 Stars Laundromat.

– Playlab scoured Craigslists free listings to build a pedestrian lounge in the street. They archived each piece of furniture in their Craigshouse installation online here. Visitors to the exhibition are welcome to take home a piece of furniture if they agree to submit a photo of the item in its new home (@Home and U).

– Risa Punos Look Here stereograms contain 3-D images hidden within 2-D patterns. Installed on storefronts along Myrtle Ave, each layer offers an opportunity for viewers to stop and stare (@Myrtle Glass, Karrot and Bechamel).

– Hunt for dollar bills in Sal Randolphs $1 Near Something Red. Look for red bicycles, fire boxes, fences, t-shirts, even apples, and you may discover a specially rolled dollar with a printed message enclosed. Try attracting dollars to you by putting out something red, or take the opportunity to leave some of your own money for others to find.

Sounds like fun, right? Pick up a map at the MARP table this Sunday, or download one here
photo: Sal Randolph, “$1 Near Something Red”