Designing the Myrtle Avenue Pedestrian Plaza FAQ and Resources

Tue, Nov 10th, 2009

The deadline for the Designing the Myrtle Avenue Pedestrian Plaza Call for Ideas is just around the corner. Its not too late to break out the sketch book and jot down some ideas! So far, weve received several inquiries and even a couple of early bird proposals.
If you are just getting started on your submission or are putting the finishing touches on your designs, check out the frequently asked questions from the last weeks and a few links that may be helpful in completing your project.

1. Can people outside of the neighborhood / NYC area / USA participate in the Call for Ideas?
Yes. We welcome Fort Greene/Clinton Hill locals and internationals in the imagining and improvement of public spaces in our community. We are requesting original designs and best practices, so if you are an international participant, feel free to share examples of great public spaces from your community as well as any design work.

2. What is the entry fee? Entry is free, just email or drop-off documents by November 16th and youre in!

3. What is the award? Designing the Myrtle Avenue Pedestrian Plaza is structured as a call for ideas, not a competition. Though there is not a formal award, the contributed designs will be reviewed by the Partnerships staff of professional planners, the Plaza Design Advisory Committee and will be put on display online and locally to gather feedback from the community.
4. What are the geographic boundaries for intervention? The plaza will be situated on the service road adjacent to Myrtle Avenue (south side), between Grand and Emerson. Designs should address, at a minimum, this area. Designers, however, may incorporate streetscapes and intersections immediately connected to the plaza site or introduce design elements that can be installed or incorporated elsewhere on the avenue.

1. Maps and Street views – for the number of contributors designing remotely, we encourage taking a moment to explore the larger neighborhood context via Google Maps .

2. Images – for updated images of the Myrtle Avenue Pedestrian Plaza site and images of pedestrians enjoying the future plaza space this September, check our Flickr .

3. Facebook – a Facebook group was created where participants and community members can share relevant links, best practices, site images and ideas. As the call for ideas and plaza design progresses, we will share updates via Facebook. You can join the Designing the Myrtle Avenue Pedestrian Plaza Group here and/or become our fan here .

As always, if you have any questions about the neighborhood, the structure of the Call for Ideas or would like to request the CAD file of the Street Geometry, you can email or call 718-230-1689.