Photo by: Anthony Huntington
Join us for a “Rally for the B54” on Thursday, August 8 at 10am at the Myrtle Ave and Washington Ave bus stop (in front of A-rod Grocery).
The MTA is proposing to cut service on the B54 bus this fall, increasing wait times and creating more crowded buses during morning commutes and throughout the day. Sign the petition, calling on the MTA to not reduce service on the B54
For most of Myrtle Avenue, the B54 is the only transit option available. Cutting service will further decline ridership, leading to worse conditions for riders who cannot afford to hail cabs or who are unable to walk the long distance to a subway station.
According to plans from the MTA’s New York City Transit Authority, fewer busses will run on weekdays during morning peak times, midday, and during evening service. The plan would increase wait times up to 15 minutes (up from 12 minutes) at certain points during the day. These longer wait times, according to the MTA’s projections, will push capacity on buses at certain times of the day to 94% (up from the current measured capacity of 84%).
Current plans do not call for changes in service levels during peak evening hours.