Black Artstory PERFORMANCE 2/26

Mon, Feb 22nd, 2016

Glass Eye Performance, Black Artstory

Join us for the closing Black Artstory Performance, The Glass Eye, a multi-disciplinary performance piece concerning the disembodiment of the black body through police violence; and the subsequent protests in reaction to these incidents—witnessed through the camera eye. The Glass Eye is written, directed and composed by Kiowa Hammons (Hot Hands) and features members of the Victorious Dance Company. The FREE performance is this coming Friday, February 26th, 7pm at BLDG 92 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, 63 Flushing Avenue at Carlton. RSVP:

Space is limited. Arrive Early. 
Running Time: Approx. 1 hour
Some material may not be suitable for children.

About the Performers:
HOT HANDS is the performance art moniker of Kiowa Hammons and Daonne Huff. Influenced by improvisation and electro-acoustic experimentation, the group encourages an open door policy of musicians and artists for collaboration; focusing on the incorporation of sound, film, dance, and visual art to create multi-disciplinary performance pieces. Optimists at heart, the group follows the ethos that music is a transcendental form of communication with the power to connect performers and listeners to a higher level of consciousness and harmony.

Victorious Dance Company featuring Ferrin Coleman & Whitney G. McIntosh:
Victorious Dance Company is a contemporary movement company working to build social awareness, community engagement and cultural empowerment through the art of dance. Serving as the non-profit arts education program Victory Music & Dance, Inc.’s senior dance company, Victorious Dance Co. has had the great opportunity to train, facilitate workshops and perform for youth in the Brooklyn community for over five years. Through these community engagements Victorious Dance Co. has developed a model that empowers young people to be committed to education, the arts and making a difference in the community.

Black Artstory Month/SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED is presented by the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership. PERFORMANCE: The Glass Eye is presented in partnership with BLDG92. The Glass Eye is part of Black Artstory Month 2016 titled, SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED. The series of FREE performances, talks, film screenings, and public art experiences celebrate the enduring influences and contributions that African Americans have made and are making within the visual and performing arts worlds.