Captain Lashonda Dyce, Commanding the 88th Precinct

Mon, Mar 18th, 2019

For Women’s History Month, we here on Myrtle Avenue are celebrating local women who make positive impacts in our community. Click here to reach the profiles of all the local women who have been featured in our annual Women’s History Month campaign.


Last March, the proverbial “glass ceiling” at the precinct house on Classon Avenue was shattered when Captain Lashonda Dyce became the first woman to take the role of the commanding officer at the 88th Precinct. After joining the force in 2003, Captain Dyce worked her way through the NYPD ranks, reaching Captain in 2016 – and she has no plans to stop there. In a department where only 11% of captains are women, her skills and ability to keep moving up are notable.

A born and raised Brooklynite, young Captain Dyce grew up in Brownsville and made her way to John Jay College where she studied Criminal Justice. Though her original plans were to serve those in need through social work, she instead found herself being called to the NYPD after participating in the police cadet program at college. Through that program, recruits were required to take the police entry exam and after seeing that she did remarkably well, it seemed like the badge was calling her name as the way for her to serve.

In reflecting on her first year at the 88th Precinct, the Captain says she appreciates the safety of the Fort Greene and Clinton Hill neighborhood, and the dedication of her entire team at the precinct.

Thank you Captain Dyce for taking time to tell us your story and for being a great leader for our local precinct!

Read more about other leading Women on Myrtle Avenue:

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Women’s History Month on Myrtle Avenue


President Bronet: Leading in Arts, Education & Collaboration


Born to Serve: Bishop A. Rice


Sudha Seetharaman of Trilok Fusion Arts & Trilok School


Passion for Design & Business: Sherap Wangmo

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A Librarian Who Serves: Janet Conton


Mother. Neighbor. Business Owner: Karin Torres


More active than most, Ms. Anne Everett

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Entrepreneur Extraordinaire: Rebecca Lai


Myrtle Ave Entrepreneur: Keisha Farrell