Category Archives: District News

Clermont & Myrtle Condos on the Market

The six story condo building at 375 Myrtle / 150 Clermont that has been under construction for the last 2 years has released units for sale, including condos with one, two, and three bedrooms. The building's sales site is at Clermont Condominium, with floor plans and interior photos, though prices don't currently appear to be listed on the site yet. Units should be up on Corcoran's site later this week.

Call for Submissions: Black Artstory Month 2021

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS, “Love, this time” Art Installations for Black Artstory Month 2021

“The love of the family, the love of one person can heal. It heals the scars left by a larger society. A massive, powerful society.” – Maya Angelou

“Love, this time” is an art exploration of how love can liberate, heal, and (re)unite us. 2020 was no different from prior years as the crises of institutional and systemic racism, inequality and injustice continued. However, the COVID-19 pandemic led to restrictions which varied based on who and where you were, and glaring inequities of healthcare and to sudden changes in people’s lifestyles.

One thing that surfaced through this was love as we cared from our friends and ourselves, reconnected with old friends, applauded frontline workers daily and continued outpouring of warmth to those close to us and to complete strangers. Through a series of visual art installations, viewers will accompany artists exploring the various manifestations of love. The community shall carry the individual further along in life and in healing than the individual can carry themselves.

Love is an intentional act of sharing.

“Love, this time” is rooted in community as the place where we can be liberated, healed, united and reunited.


Call for visual art that connects with the theme of “Love, this time” and it can build on love as liberation, love as healing and love as (re)unification. Email your visual art to by the submission deadline, January 8, 2021.

Email should include

  1. Name
  2. Website or Social Media handles
  3. 3-5 images (.jpg format)
  4. Brief write-up on how your work connects to the them

Program Schedule – At a Glance

January 4 – Submissions due
January 8 – Artist’s notified about selection and paired with storefront(s)
January 23-31 – Installation period (scheduled at the convenience of both the artist and business)
February 1 – Exhibition opens

Selected artists will be provided an honorarium that’ll cover their time, talents, and supplies.

Sources of inspiration:

Simone Leigh: The Waiting Room
Dr. Maya Angelou – Love Liberates
James Baldwin on the Dick Cavett Show
Oddisee – That’s Love
Lauryn Hill – MS Graduation Speech

Storefront Mural by Ateven Mosley for Black Artstory Month 2016


The title for Black Artstory Month 2021, “Love, this time”  is an art exploration of how love can liberate, heal, and (re)unite us. Black Artstory Month is an annual series that elevates and celebrates this neighborhood’s long-standing history as a haven for Black artistry, with past themes including Brooklyn style, healing, notions of home, and remembering. This cycle’s thematic focus was developed by Daonne Huff, who co-created Black Artstory Month with Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership in 2013. Check out past programs here