Brooklyn Historical Society presents:
In 2014, African American teen Lennon Lacy was found hanging from a swing set in Bladenboro, North Carolina.
Weaving together the story of Claudia Lacy’s fight for a federal investigation into her son Lennon’s death, the grassroots effort for justice and reconciliation in other communities facing lynching, and expert interviews, this harrowing film explores the impact of the racial terrorism of the past that still remains today.
Following the film, join us in the Othmer Library for a dialogue led by certified restorative justice practitioner and mediator Terrence Winston and anti-racist consultant Suzanne Hitchman, LMSW, both of whom facilitate conversations of restorative justice and healing from historical trauma across diverse experiences and communities. In this conversation, participants will be provided a space to share thoughts or questions about the subject matter of the film and are invited to make authentic connections about their experience while striving for a balanced understanding.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020 6:00 PM
BHS Pierrepont 128 Pierrepont Street Brooklyn, NY 11201