Explore Wallabout with a Jane's Walk

Thu, May 3rd, 2012

This Sunday, May 6th at 11:00am, a neighborhood Janes Walk will be held along Myrtle Avenue and through the Wallabout neighborhood. The walk is open to residents or visitors to the neighborhood and will explore the history, urban fabric, and social life of Myrtle Avenue and the surrounding neighborhoods. The walk will begin at the Prison Ship Martyrs Monument in Fort Greene Park and end at 99 Ryerson St, near the corner of Myrtle Avenue. The walk is free, no registration is required, and the walk will occur rain or shine.

Janes Walk is an international event with hundreds of walks held across the globe during the first weekend of May. The walks originated in Toronto and honor the legacy of urbanist and preservationist Jane Jacobs. The Municipal Art Society (MAS) has helped to organize 70 walks this year in New York City. To find out more about Janes Walk or to find other free NYC walks this weekend, visit MAS online.