G Train Eulogized

Wed, Feb 18th, 2009

The MTA proposes service cuts for the G train (no more G to Queens on evenings and weekends). Yesterday morning the line became one of many to be eulogized at a mock funeral service.

The Save the G Coalition, along with State Assembly Members Joseph Lentol and Hakeem Jeffries were amongst yesterday's mourners in Queens.

Assemblyman Joseph Lentol had this to say: “The G Train has been on life support for years and all of our efforts to revive it and bring it new life have gone completely ignored despite the tens of thousands of people who rely on it every day and the many more who would if the G were actually a reliable train. So now we stand here at its funeral as we ask everyone to stand with us and take action one last time to save the G.”

(Photo courtesy of the Straphangers Campaign)