Thank You St. Joseph’s College for Donating to the Ingersoll Thanksgiving Feast

Mon, Nov 23rd, 2015

St. Joseph’s College provided MARP with a generous donation to purchase farm fresh vegetables and apple cider from Phillips Farm for the annual Thanksgiving Feast at Ingersoll Community Center.

University Settlement Ingersoll Community Center is hosting a Thanksgiving Feast on Thanksgiving Day.  If you  know of a person or family that may need a meal on Thanksgiving day, they can visit the community center on Monday – Friday from 6:00pm -9:30pm or Saturday from 3:00-5:00pm, to register and receive a ticket for entry for Thanksgiving Day.

The Ingersoll Community Center is located at 177 Myrtle Avenue, at the corner of Prince Street.

The Thanksgiving Feast will run from Noon until 3:00pm.

Want to volunteer for the Thanksgiving Fest? Please contact the community center’s Site Director, Samantha Johnson, at (718) 522- 5051.