Park Avenue Safety Plan Spotlight: Median Parking

Tue, Oct 2nd, 2012

It’s been almost a month since we released the Park Avenue Safety Plan. Over 500 concerned citizens have already shown their support by signing the petition, in hard copy and online . If you haven’t signed already, please add your voice.

Today we look at one of the innovative (and inexpensive) ideas to calm traffic on Park Avenue: Median Parking. Each side of Park Avenue has three lanes: one for parking, one center travel lane, and a travel lane adjacent to a median. During rush hour, traffic volume is significant. However, during off hours volumes are low. What do you think drivers do with wide open space and green lights? They speed. Allowing median parking during off hours will narrow the roadway and calm traffic. It will also provide parking for residents who use their cars during the day but park overnight.

This idea is similar – but not identical – to what DOT recently did on Hicks Street .

Stay tuned for more updates and spotlights…