Park Avenue Safety Plan Update: Rainwater and the BQE

Tue, Nov 6th, 2012


With Superstorm Sandy in the rearview mirror and a nor’easter brewing over the Atlantic, this week we look at rainwater and the BQE. Just a few short years ago New York State DOT completed a major rehabilitation of the elevated portion of the BQE between Navy and Steuben. Lighting was greatly improved (only the area under the BQE at Steuben remains below standard). However, the downspouts that direct BQE runoff to storm drains are already leaking profusely. If you pass under/near the area during a rain storm you will see countless downspouts leaking – some heavily – onto the roadway below. We call on NYS DOT to fix this eyesore.

We also believe that the runoff from the BQE could be used, instead of mixed with sewage and discarded. Innovative planters could be installed at the edge of the parking areas (where these is some sun) and runoff could be directed into them, feeding plants and reducing the frequency/volume of combined sewer overflow events. See the Park Avenue Safety Plan for more details.

As a reminder, Please spread the word about the online petition.

Stay tuned for more updates and spotlights…