Pic of the Week: 313 Halloween

Mon, Oct 26th, 2015

Photo Credit: Chris Franko

This week’s pic is 313 Halloween’s photo of last year’s production of 20,000 Screams Under the Sea at 313 Clinton Avenue. Halloween 313 & Society for Clinton Hill have been producing theatrical extravaganzas in the neighborhood since 1994. This year the community partners are taking the classic children’s fantasy of Alice in Wonderland and creating their own diabolical version, Malice in Wonderland. Be ready to see Alice sent off into a fantastic new world, populated with a new cast of magical characters, who sing, dance, and fight off all manner of nasty beasts. This year marks the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Swing by the haunted graveyard and then catch the shows that begin around 5pm, and run approximately every half hour until about 9pm,  Crowds gather in the street in front of 313 Clinton Avenue, so get there early for a good spot!

Malice in Underland is one of the stops along the Society For Clinton Hill’s Annual Halloween Walk. Visit their website to check for details about the other neighborhood happenings.