SONYA Exhibition: MERGE at The Candy Factory

Tue, Nov 10th, 2015


This weekend: our friends at South of the Navy Yard Artists (SONYA) are bringing together 26 local artists in a new exhibition at The Candy Factory. Check it out!

VENUE: The Candy Factory, 124 Washington Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205
DATE: November 14-15
OPENING RECEPTION: November 14th, 7-10pm
Questions? Email

Here’s the inspiration:

Theme: Merge [murg]

When two drops of water land next to each otherโ€ฆ
When one pair of lips meets another pairโ€ฆ
When chocolate meets milk and is stirred with a spoonโ€ฆ
When star- crossed lovers meet and wed, the two familiesโ€ฆ
When a stream meets a riverโ€ฆ
When various paints are spilled simultaneously on a canvasโ€ฆ
When a company joins forces with anotherโ€ฆ
When lines intersectโ€ฆ

Artists on View:
Jo-Ann Acey,ย Diana Leidel,ย Michael Miller ,ย Kathleen Milgore-Newton, Nadia Yaron,ย Douglas Newton,ย Nina Allen,ย Carol Foy,ย Matthew Kirby,ย Chris R. Davis,ย Yuriy Dikov,ย Yuki Sakaguchi,ย Mark Knoerzer,ย Ramona Candy,ย Jane Greengold,ย Peter Kluge,ย Esther Kirshenbaum,ย Stephanie Mead,ย Erich Gerhard Winzer,ย William Tedford,ย Brittan Blasdel,ย Atiya Jones ,ย Roni Ramos,ย Eileen Murphy,ย Misha Tyutyunik, Laura Pawson,ย Stephanie Anderson