Storytime Art and Free Film Screening

Wed, Feb 5th, 2014

Black Artstory Month is in full swing, with two upcoming events hosted by the Ingersoll Community Center (177 Myrtle Avenue):  Storytime Art and Film Screening of “The Wonder Year”.

Sofie and the City - storytime art SMALLStory Time Art: A Celebration of Home and the Migrant Story
Saturday February 8th at 12:30pm

Join FOKUS at 12:30pm on Saturday, February 8th, as they take children and their families on an exciting examination of home, both ancestral and current, using the book “Sofie & The City” by Karima Grant. This arts workshop will take place at the Ingersoll Community Center.
FOKUS will have stations that examine various homes from across the world. These stations will be designed to trigger the five senses and prompt the event-goers to draw things that come to mind when they think of home using chalk and a “sidewalk.”

wonderyearFilm Screening: The Wonder Year
Wednesday, February 12 at 7pm

Join us for a free screening of The Wonder Year and light refreshments! This event is co-sponsored by the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership, Act Now Foundation and the Ingersoll Community Center.

About the film: A year in the life of CEO, NAACP ambassador, Duke University professor, husband, father, son and Grammy Award winning producer 9th Wonder. The Wonder Year follows one of soul music’s most dynamic figures from his childhood home to late nights in the studio and everywhere in between.

Visit our calendar for a complete listing of all events, featured artists, programs and venues.