Public Art Installations

Public art installations aim to transform Myrtle Avenue’s public spaces into temporary homes for art, highlighting our community’s creative spirit, creating a sense of place, and changing the way people experience our public spaces.
In 2008, we kicked off our Public Art initiative with Tree Hugger Project installations at two locations: Ingersoll Houses and the Carlton Triangle (at intersection of Carlton and Myrtle avenues). Since then, this initiative has brought multiple installations to neighborhood, both in partnership with government agencies like NYC DOT and Parks, and through our own open RFP process.
Past Projects Include
Say Hello to Tomorrow, 2013
Artists: Misha Tyutyunik, Ellie Balk, Michael Miller
Location: Construction fence at 490 Myrtle (east and south sides)
Tomorrow, 2012
Artist: Akihiro Ito
Location: Fort Greene Park (NE Entrance)
Soundwaves, 2011
Artist: Ellie Balk
Location: Under the BQE, Park Avenue at Grand Avenue
Ancient, Goatie Boy, Goat as Wolf, 2011
Artist: Ruth McKerrell
Location: Fort Greene Park (NE Entrance)
The Case of the Curious Pedestrian, 2010
Curator: Christina Vassallo
Location: Various Myrtle Avenue businesses and sidewalks (one day)
Myrtle Avenue Bird Town, 2010
Artists: Daniel Goers and Jennifer Wong
Locations: Fort Greene Park (NW Corner) and Carlton Triangle
Spacebuster, 2009
Artists: Raumlabor
Location: Under the BQE at Washington Avenue (one day)
Tree Hugger Project, 2008
Artists: Wiktor Szostalo and Agnieska Gradznik
Locations: Carlton Triangle and Ingersoll Houses
Read our most recent Annual Report for more information about project activities and accomplishments.