Summer employment program returns with new community partners.

YEMP Focus Group at Pratt Center
Now in its 11th year, the Young Entrepreneur Mentorship Program (YEMP) reaches new heights with an exciting partnership with the Pratt Center. Through this partnership, local high school students are taking part in a pre-college design workshop that introduces the group to the design process and 3D printing! Aptly named Design Process: From Sketch to Prototype, the class will challenge students to investigate a design problem and use opensource 3D drawing software and 3D printing to take their ideas from sketch to a printed 3D model.
YEMP History
YEMP is a summer employment and mentorship program for local youth where teens gain valuable paid work experiences. The program places teens to work with Myrtle Avenue businesses and other organizations to learn important business and creative problem-solving skills. The competitive application process only accommodates 25 high school teens per year. Applicants from zip code 11205, the Ingersoll Houses, or the Whitman Houses receive priority.
This Year
Local businesses on Myrtle Avenue are joining the cause as well. Corkscrew Wines Brooklyn, CVS, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Fort Greene SNAP, Gnarly Vines, Green in BKLYN, NYC Pets, and Sandbox and others have offered these rising entrepreneurs an inside look into what it takes to run a business.
The 6-week program runs from July 10 – August 18. Be sure to sign up for our email list and give us a like on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to follow the incredible journey of our community’s youth and more.
Support for YEMP comes from Brooklyn Community Foundation, Con Edison, and Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation, and Emmanuel Baptist Church.