Tag: Southbridge Fitness Center

Support Black-Owned Businesses & Community
The grief and anger we’ve seen across the country and within our own neighborhood is a response to centuries of anti-Black racist oppression, not just a single event. We want…

FREE Workout Classes
Join us every Saturday morning from May to September, at Myrtle Plaza for free high-intensity workout classes this summer! Beginning May 15 through last Saturday of September, workouts will be…

Myrtle Ave Businesses are Reopening
As phase 3 starts many of the restaurants on Myrtle Avenue are reopening back. From al fresco eating to delivery and take out and non-essential business taking clients again to…

FREE Summer Events: Music, Fitness, & More
Throughout summer 2019, the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership will host FREE weekly events in the Myrtle Avenue Plaza in Clinton Hill (corner of Myrtle & Steuben). Follow @MyrtleAveBklyn for any…

Southbridge Fitness Center Now Open
Southbridge Fitness Center Now is the time to get into the fitness center and get in shape. Want to try out a class? Stop by the center to check out…

Coming to Myrtle Avenue in 2019
The new year brings with it a slate of new businesses who are set to open their doors on Myrtle Avenue in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill in 2019. Below…