Updates on Public Space

Mon, Jun 6th, 2016


There is a lot happening on Myrtle Avenue this spring; here is a look at a few projects that are under way:

  • Each year, and sometimes twice a year, we engage in planting annuals and perennials in the tree beds along the business corridor. This spring, with funds from the TD Bank Foundation, we were able to implement a program called TreEd on Myrtle; planting native plants in tree beds with the help of quite a few community partners including Benjamin Banneker High School.
  • If you noticed, our tree guards (and benches) are a lot different than those in other parts of the city; they were custom designed with your help, and celebrate local art history. This spring we are sprucing them up with a special coat of paint (see the image above) that will mitigate rusting over time. Last week we also made final orders towards the installment of sixteen new benches and tree guards along the north side of Myrtle between Hall and Emerson.
  • Over the years our benches, which have been a favorite among senior residents, have taken a bit of a beating over the years. We are wrapping up an order for new bench boards that are more durable, and look forward to them continuing to space for rest and relaxation on the avenue.

So, now that we have passed the official (unofficial) start of summer, and it’s safe to wear your white pants, please come out and enjoy your Fort Greene and Clinton Hill public spaces. And, while it is difficult to maneuver through the construction project taking place on the east end of the district at this time, please continue to support those businesses between Hall Street and Emerson Place. See you on the avenue!!!